Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Users Endpoints

The Users endpoint gets you access to properties and settings for users, both the one authenticated and others. Use this endpoint if you would like:

  • The displayed name, avatar or other public data for a given user.
GET http://legacy.skritter.com/api/v0/users


  • ids
    comma-separated list of Users to fetch.
    (limit: 10)
  • fields
    comma-separated list of User properties to return.
    (default: all)


  • Users
    list of Users. If by id, non existent Users will have null in their place.
GET http://legacy.skritter.com/api/v0/users/(id)


  • fields
    comma-separated list of User properties to return.
    (default: all)


  • User
    the User entity.
PUT http://legacy.skritter.com/api/v0/users/(id)


  • fields
    comma-separated list of User properties to return.
    (default: all)


One User object with the settings you would like to change.


  • User
    the User entity, or null if the User does not exist.
POST http://legacy.skritter.com/api/v0/users


  • fields
    comma-separated list of User properties to return.
    (default: all)
  • lang
    language to have the User's targetLang to be set to.
    (default: 'zh')


  • User
    a new anonymous User entity.


Goal: Get all the settings for the User the client just logged in.

Solution: fetch the User with the user_id value passed back in Authentication

    # very few params
    params = {
        'bearer_token': token,
        'gzip': False

    url = 'http://legacy.skritter.com/api/v0/users/%s' % user_id
    response = client.get(url, params)
    response = json.loads(response.content)
    return response['User']